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St. Mark's graduates are noticed by their strong character and academic excellence as they advance throughout their academic and professional careers.  

Where Our Students Go

We are very proud of our students while they’re here at St. Mark’s, so imagine our pride as we recognize the accomplishments of our alumni following their graduation from St. Mark’s Episcopal Academy.

Agid, Caroline College of Charleston, ‘16

Aguilo-Seara, Gabriela George Washington University ‘15

Aguilo-Seara, Marisa University of Central Florida ‘19

Anderson, Kaycee Florida State University ‘12

Armellini, Jenna Palm Beach Atlantic University Pharmacy School ‘07

Arnold, Cosby Emory University ‘08

Ashley, Kyle University of South Florida, Honors College ‘15

Ashley, Sara Florida State University, Honors College ‘19

Barfield, Carter Furman University

Barfield, Gordon West Point ‘09

Baughan, Amanda University of Miami, Honors Fellow ‘16

Baugher, Adam Florida State University ‘16

Bell, Amelia Florida State University ‘12

Bell, Emily Florida State University ‘11

Bergeron, Zachary Carnegie Mellon University‘15

Boydstun, Leslie Stetson University ‘11

Braden, Alexander Stetson University ‘13

Brodnan, Matthew Emory University ‘08

Buchanan, Shelton Florida State University ‘09

Burcham, Chris Tulane ‘08

Burcham, Michael Rice University ‘11

Butler, Brett United States Naval Academy ‘13

Cameron, Cristina University of Central Florida ‘09

Chace, Cassie University of Florida, Grad Student

Chapman, Allison Florida State University ‘09

Carrington, Amanda University of Florida ‘15

Chilton, Hutson Rice University ‘15

Ciener, Daisy Emory ’05; University of Miami, Graduate Student

Ciener, Lindsey University of Central Florida ‘08

Clark, Alexander Florida Institute of Technology ‘13

Clayton, Annie Rollins College ‘08

Clemens, Amanda University of North Florida ‘09

Conforti, Mac Duke University ‘05

Caudill, Reid University of Florida ‘11

Dacko, Elizabeth University of Miami ‘07

Eisenmenger, Kristofer University of Florida, Grad Student

Faist, Kimberly Clemson University ‘12

Fischer, Kailey Franciscan University ‘18

Fow, Samantha Florida Atlantic University, Honors College

Garell, Tyler Emory University ‘07

Gates, Stephen Milsaps College

Gayles, Daryth Stanford University ‘2018

Gayles, Gabrielle Stanford University ‘2018

Ghosh, Pia University of South Florida

Gibson, Turner University of Florida ‘11

Giebink, Arianna Amherst ‘07

Glasner, Krystina University of North Florida ‘19

Greenfield, Jared University of Central Florida ‘15

Greenfield, Lauren University of Central Florida ‘16

Greenwood, Todd University of Central Florida ‘08

Hanshew, Ashley University of North Florida ‘07

Haupt, Eddie University of Florida ‘10

Hausman Brett University of Central Florida ‘19

Henry, Melissa Tufts University ‘07

Henry, Shannon University of Richmond ‘09

Hooper, Austin University of Central Florida

Hunter, Trent Florida Gulf Atlantic University ’15

Jones, Taylor University of Central Florida ‘10

Keehn, Emily Florida State University ‘16

Knappenberger, Kyle Stetson University

Knodel, Alexandra University of South Florida ‘18

Larrabee, Jessica Johns Hopkins ‘06

Larrabee, Joye Clemson University ‘09

Loiselle, James University of Central Florida ‘07

Loupe, Katherine University of North Florida ‘13

Loupe, Sarah Florida State University ‘09

Lynch, Jessica Lake Forest University ‘16

Mason, Natalie Georgetown University ‘13

Matuk, Jad University of South Florida ‘11

Matuk, Saji University of Florida ’06; UCLA, Graduate Student

McNutt, Carl University of Florida, Grad Student

Modi, Parth Northwestern University ‘08

Modi, Priti Northwestern University ‘10

Moody, Lana University of Central Florida ‘15

Moore, Tovah University of Florida ‘08

Narwacki, LeeAnn University of Florida ‘09

Naumann, Francesca University of South Florida ‘15

Naumann, Grace Florida State University ‘19

Oleen, Eric University of Florida ‘19

Haley O’Rourke Eastern Florida State College ‘16

Palermo, Lauren University of Central Florida ‘08

Palermo, Maryann University of Georgia;
Ross University, Veterinary Medicine ‘09

Pentz, Katy Florida State University ‘19

Peters, Syrus Graceland University ‘19

Price, Chase University of  Tennessee ‘10

Price, Margaux Clemson University

Radu, Matthew Florida Atlantic University ‘13

Sarah Rashid University of Florida ‘13

Robertson, Catherine Florida State University, Honors College ‘15

Robertson, Ashley Florida State University ’09; University of Central Florida MSW ‘11

Roytman, Layne Florida State University ‘13

Roytman, Lisa University of Florida ‘06

Sacks, Chana Georgetown, ’07; University of Chicago Medical School

Sacks, Dovi Harvard University; George Washington University Law School

Seage, Summer University of West Florida ‘19

Scalera, Cameron University of  South Florida ‘09

Scalera, Jamie Stetson University, ’05; University of Florida, Graduate School

Schumann, Heidi University of South Florida ‘12

Schumann, Todd University of Florida ‘10

Shah, Megha Columbia University, ’05;
George Washington University, Graduate Student

Sibbitt, Kristen Florida State University ‘13

Sibbitt, Leah Florida State University, Honors College,  ’10;

University of Tennessee, Master’s Program ‘12

Sims, Camille University of Alabama ‘18

Stephens, Aliyah Stetson University ‘18

Theriac, Jet Cambridge University; University of Florida Graduate School

Traversa, Nicholas Florida Southern College ‘09

Valme, Dwidnel Polytechnic, ’09, University of Florida Grad Student

Wales, Joshua Florida Institute of Technology ‘07

Taylor, Tom Webber University ‘10

Wilson, Taylor Louisiana State University ‘18

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